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Reading Public Library Announces Stitching Circle

Writer's picture: Stephen D'AgostinoStephen D'Agostino

It’s now close to mid-April, and I have a confession to make. I haven’t taken down my bird feeders, despite suggestions that I should have done so 11 days ago. I’ve seen posts on Twitter from people as close as Barnard showing tracks that they claim to be from bears.

Though I watched a pretty good-sized black bear recline against our house and try to work the top off of one of our bird feeders last August, I am perhaps foolishly hopeful that it won’t happen again.

It’s been a rough winter for the birds, but I’ve had three feeders out and full most of the time. I’ve never seen more blue jays, I’ve chuckled at the incessant tapping of a hairy woodpecker as it tried to get to the sunflower seeds, I’ve been thrilled by finally getting cardinals at my feeder, the first time in the three years we’ve been here.

Now, as it is getting bright again around 6am, I hear the cardinals’ cheery chirp and the welcome “old Sam Peabody” from the white throated sparrow, I feel like there is a race underway. Who will get to the feeder first? The bear, the evening grosbeaks, or the rose-breasted grosbeaks?

Now that the snow is finally off the deck, I am going to walk around that side of my house and try to figure out a bearproof place to put the feeders. If anyone has advice on how to feed the birds but not the bears, please let me know.

While I wait—hopefully in vain—for the bear, here’s an update concerning something I wrote about last week. Tatiana Werner-McCarthy, head of the PTO, tells me that there are many more opportunities to purchase tickets for the CSA raffle than just at the soup supper on April 29. You can buy tickets from any student, at the school, or at the spring concert on May 3 (more to come on that, definitely). The drawing will be held on May 4.

The winner of the CSA share from Sunrise Farm gets a weekly supply of fresh vegetables from mid-May (I’m thinking lettuce) to mid-October (I’m thinking winter squash and Brussel sprouts).

Tickets are $5 or 6 for $25. Further, the PTO will donate $1 from the sale of every ticket to the Reading/West Windsor Food Shelf, which is fitting because the donation will help others eat well.

Also, last week I said that there would be more things going on in town then what I had noted. Sure enough, I got an email this week from Tony Pikramenos telling me that the Reading Public Library (aka the happeningest place in town) will be hosting a Stitching Circle on Tuesday, April 24, at 10:30 a.m. Bring your handiwork: knitting, mending, crocheting, quilting, spinning, origami, or whatever your hands are working on. Enjoy talk and treats in good company while you work. If you’d like more information, call Libbet Downs at 484-0027 or the library at 484-5588.

My hands are working on many things that fit the bill for this event including knitting a scarf, which will be tucked away until next year, socks, and my first attempt at a cardigan sweater. Unfortunately, I will be busy that day. So everyone else, my plea to you is: go! Make it a smashing success so that it will happen again. Hopefully the next time, I will be free, and I can attend.

Here are a few broken record department entries. If you haven’t filed your Homestead Declaration yet, you have until next Tuesday, April 17, to do so. See the April Informer for more information on why you need to do it and what you need to do.

The winter parking ban ends tomorrow, April 15. We can only hope that winter itself gets the hint. The weight restrictions for class 2 and class 3 roads continues until May 15.

Don’t forget about the Reading blood drive! It happens on April 27 from noon to 5 at the fire station. For more information, contact Lanie Wadelton 802-484-1226, ext. 119 or by email at You can also schedule your own appointment by visiting

Finally, mark your calendars for the second monthly Game Night. It happens on April 27 at 6:30pm at the library.

Happy birthday to Scott Harkins (April 13), Rudy Lucier (April 13), Beth Thresher (April 14), Ruthanne Howgate (April 15), and Alexander Charles Reichert (April 17). Happy anniversary to Kevin and Jennifer Nunan (April 17).

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